Renewing Hope, Reclaiming Joy, Restoring Health
Dr. Tom and Sue Gargiula, along with their gifted team, have been serving the Mid-West with the most advanced “Whole-istic” Techniques and Technologies since 1990 as Windmill Wellness Center. ( Dr. G is one of the only Mastermind Certified Zone Healers in the Mid-West.
We are extremely excited and blessed to add Illuminate Energy Center and the Energy Enhancement System Technology to our new and expanded location. Helping people transform their lives, is why we exist. We boldly share the truth about health and wellness with the world. We share Health mastery & life mastery strategies with our members to create permanent change and true transformation in their lives.
Our members love our authenticity and the services we provide. They gladly invest in their health and see the value of getting their life to a new and healthier place. We utilize Mastermind Level Zone Chiropractic Technique and EESystem technology to address the whole person with the objective of Transforming their Quality of Life.